A. Categorias lexicales y uso del diccionario.
1. Selecciona un texto relacionado con tu area de interes. Identifica 3 palabras que no conoces.. agrega las abreviaciones.
Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution was a period from the 18th to the 19th century where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions of the times. It began in the United Kingdom, then subsequently spread throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the world.
The Industrial Revolution marks a major turning point in human history; almost every aspect of daily life was influenced in some way. Most notably, average income and population began to exhibit unprecedented sustained growth. In the two centuries following 1800, the world's average per capita income increased over 10-fold, while the world's population increased over 6-fold. In the words of Nobel Prize winner Robert E. Lucas, Jr., "For the first time in history, the living standards of the masses of ordinary people have begun to undergo sustained growth. ... Nothing remotely like this economic behavior has happened before."
Starting in the later part of the 18th century, there began a transition in parts of Great Britain's previously manual labour and draft-animal–based economy towards machine-based manufacturing. It started with the mechanisation of the textile industries, the development of iron-making techniques and the increased use of refined coal. Trade expansion was enabled by the introduction of canals, improved roads and railways.
The introduction of steam power fuelled primarily by coal, wider utilisation of water wheels and powered machinery (mainly in textile manufacturing) underpinned the dramatic increases in production capacity. The development of all-metal machine tools in the first two decades of the 19th century facilitated the manufacture of more production machines for manufacturing in other industries. The effects spread throughout Western Europe and North America during the 19th century, eventually affecting most of the world, a process that continues as industrialisation. The impact of this change on society was enormous.
The first Industrial Revolution, which began in the 18th century, merged into the Second Industrial Revolution around 1850, when technological and economic progress gained momentum with the development of steam-powered ships, railways, and later in the 19th century with the internal combustion engine and electrical power generation. The period of time covered by the Industrial Revolution varies with different historians. Eric Hobsbawm held that it 'broke out' in Britain in the 1780s and was not fully felt until the 1830s or 1840s, while T. S. Ashton held that it occurred roughly between 1760 and 1830.
Some 20th century historians such as John Clapham and Nicholas Crafts have argued that the process of economic and social change took place gradually and the term revolution is a misnomer. This is still a subject of debate among historians. GDP per capita was broadly stable before the Industrial Revolution and the emergence of the modern capitalist economy The Industrial Revolution began an era of per-capita economic growth in capitalist economies. Economic historians are in agreement that the onset of the Industrial Revolution is the most important event in the history of humanity since the domestication of animals and plants
3 Palabras desconocidas:
- Spread: Extender (vt) [Funcion]
- Behavior: Comportamiento (N) [Funcion]
- Coal: Carbón (n) [Contenido]
2. Idea principal del texto (en español)
El texto seleccionado abarca informacion relevante a la Revolucion Industrial, la cual fue comprendida entre el siglo 18 y 19 donde hubo cambios importantes en la agricultura, manufactura, minería, transporte, y la tecnología teniendo un efecto profundo en las condiciones socioeconómicas y culturales de la época. la misma se inició en el Reino Unido y posteriormente se propagó por toda Europa, América del Norte, y finalmente en el resto del mundo. La revolución industrial tuvo un gran impacto en la historia humana, alterando la cotidianidad de la vida, En palabras del Premio Nobel Robert E. Lucas, Jr., "Por primera vez en la historia, el nivel de vida de las masas de la gente común ha comenzado a experimentar un crecimiento sostenido. ... No hay nada remotamente parecido a este comportamiento económico que ha sucedido antes ". Todo comenzó con la mecanización de la industria textil, el desarrollo de técnicas de fabricación del hierro y el mayor uso de carbón refinado. La expansión del comercio fue posible gracias a la introducción de canales, mejora de las carreteras y vías ferreas, la introducción de la energía de vapor alimentadas principalmente por carbón, una utilización más amplia de ruedas hidráulicas y maquinaria de alimentación (principalmente en la fabricación de textiles) fue la base del espectacular aumento de la capacidad de producción, demostrando así un gran impacto en la sociedad, algunos historiadores del siglo 20, como John Clapham y Nicolás Crafts han argumentado que el proceso de cambio económico y social se llevó a cabo poco a poco y el término revolución es un nombre inapropiado.
3. Categorias lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoria):
- Palabras de contenido: Coal, income.
- Palabras de Función: Spread, Behavior.
- Verbos: was, spread
- Adverbio: mainly, broadly
- Adjetivo: Some, major
- Artículo: the, a
- Preposiciones: in, by
- Conjunción: while, For
- Cognados verdaderos: Industrial, period
- Cognados Falsos: [varies=varios= varía] [labour=labor=Mano de obra]
- Sufijo: population, historians
- Prefijos: unprecedented, underpinned
1. (The Industrial Revolutión) (was a period from the 18th to the 19th century where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions of the times)
Frase nominal: The Industrial Revolutión.
- Nucleo de la frase nominal : Revolutión
- premodificadores:The Industrial
- postmodificadores:
- Nucleo de la frase verbal:was
- Tiempo verbal: Pasado Simple.
Frase nominal:It
- Nucleo de la frase nominal : it
- premodificadores:
- postmodificadores:
Frase verbal: started with the mechanisation of the textile industries
- Nucleo de la frase verbal: started with the mechanisation of the textile industries
- Tiempo verbal: Pasado Simple.